19 November 2020



Pound Puppies Plan  Clinic In Wolf Point

Pound Puppies Plan Clinic In Wolf Point

The Wolf Point Pound Puppies is planning a low cost spay and neuter clinic for Dec. 5-6. Spokesperson Tina Betshismedicine told the Northern Plains Independent that appointment times for the clinic will be handed out on an individual basis when registering. The fee for a spay/neuter is $30 for cats, $60 for male dogs, $85 for female dogs. The price includes vaccinations, dewormer and flea/tick


District Office

District Office

Wolf Point School board member Mark Zilkoski (left to right), federal programs director Naomi Erickson, business manager Cheri’ Nygard and superintendent Loverty Erickson conduct a board meeting at the district office Monday, Nov. 16. (Photo by James Walling)


Frontier Elementary School Board  Discusses Strained Resources

Frontier Elementary School Board Discusses Strained Resources

The Frontier School board met Thursday, Nov. 12. The meeting was accessible remotely via Zoom. The board discussed strategies for reopening. Meeting minutes were approved, as was a purchase order from the Department of Public Health and Human Services, Superintendent Christine Eggar gave a presentation regarding COVID19’s impact on the county and local schools. At the beginning of the school





