23 April 2020




Earth Day’s 50th Anniversary Celebrated

Earth Day’s 50th Anniversary Celebrated

Earth Day 2020 was celebrated Wednesday, April 22. This year is the 50th anniversary of this day. This week is a good time to think about how to serve the planet — by cleaning up some litter on your walk or around your house, planting a tree or simply enjoying companionship with nature. Walk through the woods in search of emerging wildflowers and green moss. Go outside (safely), no matter



22 April 2020


16 April 2020


Roosevelt County Sees Two  Additional COVID-19 Cases

Roosevelt County Sees Two Additional COVID-19 Cases

Roosevelt County recorded its second and third positive cases of COVID-19 last week. The Roosevelt County Health Department received news of the second positive case Wednesday, April 8. A female aged 40-49 had tested positive, but was not hospitalized. The health department was notified of the third positive case, a female in her 20s who is also not hospitalized, on April 10. The first case


Organizers Looking For Judges

Organizers Looking For Judges

The Wolf Point Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture will be hosting a Yard of the Week contest starting June 1. The competition is sponsored by the chamber along with Agland Realty, Bryan’s, Sherman Inn, Cape Air, High Plains Motors, HUB Insurance and the Northern Plains Independent. The competition is scheduled to run through Aug. 31. Prizes will be awarded weekly. A grand prize will be awarded

