26 March 2020






19 March 2020


Horsmon Pitches Playground Improvements

Horsmon Pitches Playground Improvements

Wolf Point’s Dan Horsmon spoke to the Wolf Point City Council about purchasing new playground Wolf Point Council Promotes Two Maintenance Workers Horsmon The Wolf Point City Council held its regular meeting Monday, March 17. Following a moment of silence, Mayor Chris Dschaak opened up the meeting to Frances Hayes, RN, from the Roosevelt County Health Department. Hayes told the council


Library Books For Uganda Cause Purple  Hair For Frontier School Principal Hays

Library Books For Uganda Cause Purple Hair For Frontier School Principal Hays

Frontier School principal Keith Hays is currently sporting purple hair. He’s doing it for a cause. Hays challenged Frontier School students to increase their totals during a recent fundraising campaign and he baited his challenge with a dare. The students raised enough money to purchase 1,000 books for a library in Uganda this year, but Hays challenged them to raise another $500 for shipping


New Coronavirus Changing Way Of Life For Now

New Coronavirus Changing Way Of Life For Now

As the weekend progressed, federal and state officials across the country began making hard decisions regarding ways to slow the spread of COVID-19, a new virus that is highly contagious and especially dangerous to people over the age of 60 and those with underlying health problems. Sunday evening, Montana Governor Steve Bullock ordered the shuttering of all K-12 schools in the state for a

