05 March 2020




Jasine Turns 100

Jasine Turns 100

Northside fourth-grader Jasine The Boy marked the 100th day of school, Thursday, Feb. 27, by dressing up like a little old lady. (Submitted photo)
19 February 2020



Olsen Takes Pie In The Face

Olsen Takes Pie In The Face

Northside Elementary School in Wolf Point held its annual “pie in the face” fundraiser Thursday, Feb. 13, at 3 p.m. in the school gymnasium. Students were able to earn raffle tickets to vote for the district staff and community members they most wanted to see turned into targets. They were also able to purchase tickets directly, as were community members. Staff and community members lined



After-School Program  Sees Two Funding Bumps

After-School Program Sees Two Funding Bumps

In summer 2019, Bigger Sky Kids received a one-to-one matching grant from the Montana Arts Council to bring artist-in-community Cathryn McIntyre back for 2019-2020 to teach studio mastery for beginning and intermediate artists. In January, BSK was pleased to learn that Montana-Dakota Utilities will match that $3,900 grant. BSK recently concluded an impressive show of art created by students


Variety Show Set For Feb. 29

Variety Show Set For Feb. 29

The Wolf Point 100 Club will be hosting a variety show at the Wolf Point High School auditorium Saturday, Feb. 29. Planned entertainment includes performances by the Eastern Montana Gymnastics team. Students from WPHS speech and drama are tentatively scheduled. Entrants from the Bigger Sky Kids after-school program will perform a dance routine and the Lefse Ladies will perform a skit. Robert

