18 March 2021



Pinewood Derby Comes To Old Armory

Pinewood Derby Comes To Old Armory

Gerald Happ (left to right) and Hunter Lee take part in the 2021 Pinewood Derby hosted by Culbertson Cub Scouts Pack 4293 at the Old Armory in Culbertson March 7. The top three winners were Adam Ellerkamp, Isaiah Ellerkamp and C.J. Brookman, Gauge Smith, C.J. Brookman, Remington Smith were given awards for creativity. (Submitted photo)
11 March 2021




Standouts Bainville Likes Journalism There’s a writer with the last name of Woodward that enjoys journalism in Bainville. Although she wasn’t even born yet during famous reporter Bob Woodward’s investigation of the Watergate break-in, Bainville High School senior Matti Woodward does enjoy working in the newspaper field. Woodward is one of the writers for Bainville’s Blues News newspaper,







Standouts Bainville Likes Journalism There’s a writer with the last name of Woodward that enjoys journalism in Bainville. Although she wasn’t even born yet during famous reporter Bob Woodward’s investigation of the Watergate break-in, Bainville High School senior Matti Woodward does enjoy working in the newspaper field. Woodward is one of the writers for Bainville’s Blues News newspaper,


Bainville Council Swears In Giese

Bainville Council Swears In Giese

The Bainville Town Council met Monday, March 8. Matt Giese was sworn in as the newest member of the council. Following the swearing in and approval of February meeting minutes, a resignation letter from councilmember Travis Wills was discussed. The council decided to keep Wills on the council until his term expires or a replacement can be found. Con’s Weed Control Service of Sidney was approved




MSU’s Tricia visited Culbertson School Feb. 25 with her Success Prints Crash Course game for college preparation and time management training. The course is a college simulation strategy game designed to help students prepare for college admissions. (Photo by James Walling)


Bainville Selects New  Superintendent Of Schools

Bainville Selects New Superintendent Of Schools

An individual with strong experience in school administration has been hired to be the new superintendent of schools in Bainville. “My wife, Melissa, and I are both small town people,” Darin Hannum said about accepting the position. “It’s all about people. Small towns have fantastic people. We’re excited.” His education includes earning his bachelors degree from MSU Billings