Jarid DeWayne Fast Horse, 35, of Brockton died Sunday, Jan. 10, 2021, at his home.
He was born to Gordan Fast Horse and Darla Jean Belgarde on March 15, 1985. He graduated from the Brockton High School in 2004.
But, before the end of his high school year when he was a senior, he was part of the Brockton Warriors Class C basketball team who conquered the undefeated Class C Big Sandy high school basketball team and took home the trophy for State Class C Basketball Champions.
He is known by his teammates as being a gentle giant at 6-foot who was very quiet, always smiling and laughing and pushing his teammates to do their best. He was good at being under the basket and getting rebounds while being an essential player to hold down two of Big Sandyâs toughest players during that game. He was offered a fullride scholarship to the United Tribes College the same year. He unselfishly felt he needed to be home, so he returned to Brockton.
Another huge event was meeting the mother of his children, Mallory Youpee, whom he shared a life with for 13 years. After this was the birth of their four children, Wanda Lou Fast Horse, Jarid Dewayne Fast Horse Jr., Preston Lee Fast Horse, Phillip Bon Fast Horse and Anna Two Bulls whom they shared. He was a loving and kind father to his children. He had a big heart when it came to children other than his own.
He is survived by Mallory Youpee and his children, Wandalou Fast Horse, Jarid Fast Horse Jr., Preston Fast Horse, Phillip Fast Horse and Anna TwoBulls, all of Brockton; two sisters, Cara Fast Horse of Brockton and Tosheena Follette of Wolf Point; brother, Stanley Crowe Jr. of Helena; step-father, Stanley Crowe III; grandparents, Julian Shields, Kermit Belgarde, RaeJean Belgarde, Judy Johnson and Leonard Snow Rattling Thunder; and step-mother, Georgia Wetsit.
His funeral service was held Friday, Jan. 15, at the Poplar Cultural Center. Interment was at Fort Kipp Cemetery. Clayton Stevenson Memorial Chapel was entrusted with the arrangements.