16 July 2020


Smart Board Coming To Culbertson Senior Center

Smart Board Coming To Culbertson Senior Center

Community News Staff It appears that the hope of Culbertson's senior citizens to add a Smart board to the senior center is going to be successful. Joy Finnicum Johnson, activities director for the seniors, explained how she feels that having an interactive screen will benefit the seniors. “We have begun incorporating activities to invigorate a more active environment for seniors




Imagine Your Story Summer  Reading Program Kicks Off

Imagine Your Story Summer Reading Program Kicks Off

Readers age preschool through young adult are encourage to read, read and read some more this summer as Culbertson Public Library presents, “Imagine Your Story” during their summer reading program. Registration begins at the library Monday, July 20, and the program ends Aug. 13. Area youth and their families are especially encouraged to join in the fun. “Reading can help you imagine


Wolf Point Hosts “Babe  Ruth” Tournament July 10

Wolf Point Hosts “Babe Ruth” Tournament July 10

On Friday, July 10, Wolf Point hosted a baseball tournament for area “Babe Ruth” teams. Teams participating included Wolf Point, Froid, Glasgow and Plentywood. The “Babe Ruth” league went forward this year locally after the national Babe Ruth League canceled the season due to COVID-19 concerns. The first game was Wolf Point versus Plentywood. The action-packed game went into overtime





Adrienne Jackson

Adrienne Jackson

bituaries Adrienne Jackson Adrienne Rae “Annie” Jackson, 41, died July 4, 2020, in North Dakota. She was born March 1, 1979, in Culbertson at Roosevelt Memorial Hospital to Donetta White Bear and Gerald 'Bootsie' Jackson. She spent most of her life living with her grandmother Mercy White Bear in Fort Kipp. From middle school all though high school, she attended Brockton School.
