10 February 2022






Office Of Consumer Protection Prevents  Montanans From Losing $1.3 Million

Office Of Consumer Protection Prevents Montanans From Losing $1.3 Million

Attorney General Austin Knudsen is encouraging Montanans to be aware of scammers trying to take advantage of them as the Department of Justice’s Office of Consumer Protection fielded 945 scam complaints and successfully saved Montanans from losing more than $1.3 million in 2021. In 2021, OCP recovered $869,600 for Montanans who were victimized by scammers and prevented consumers who called



District Judge Denies Request To  Temporarily Block House Bill 702

District Judge Denies Request To Temporarily Block House Bill 702

District Judge Olivia Rieger said on Tuesday, Feb. 1, she will not temporarily block a new state law resulting from House Bill 702 that bans discrimination based on vaccine status and employers from requiring workers to be vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus. Joel Krautter, an attorney at Netzer Law Office in Sidney and a former state Republican representative, filed the lawsuit in October




Applicants Requested For Elk Management Group

Applicants Requested For Elk Management Group

As elk populations continue to be a concern across the state, Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks is convening a citizens advisory group to address the future of elk management. The 12-member group will be tasked with developing new and creative ideas and recommendations and helping build new relationships among stakeholders passionate about elk management in Montana. FWP is seeking people representing