23 April 2020


RMC Recognizes National  Lab Professionals Week

RMC Recognizes National Lab Professionals Week

Roosevelt Medical Center is celebrating the 42nd annual nationally recognized Medical Laboratory Professionals week, April 19-25. While the usual fanfare of a pot luck gathering will not take place due to social distancing, RMC staff and administration are making sure the laboratory department knows they are appreciated through messages of thanks. “Unlike any other time in history, the vital


April 19-25 Is National  Volunteer Week

April 19-25 Is National Volunteer Week

National Volunteer Week, celebrated April 19-25, is an opportunity to recognize the impact of volunteer service and the power of volunteers to tackle society’s greatest challenges, to build stronger communities and be a force that transforms the world. The theme this year is “Shining a light on the people and causes that inspire us to serve.” This week, we shine a light on the people






Montanan Historical Society Hosts Art Recreation Contest

Montanan Historical Society Hosts Art Recreation Contest

With quarantines and selfdistancing temporarily being a large part of Montanans’ lives, the Montana Historical Society wants to hear from you. MHS has developed a survey and created a challenge to not only help pass the time but also help collect information for future generations and historians. COVID-19 is affecting people all over the world, and the MHS wants to know how current and former


