06 January 2022




Portra  Graduates From  Youth Challenge  Academy

Portra Graduates From Youth Challenge Academy

Matthew Portra graduated from the Montana Youth Challenge Academy on Dec. 19, 2021. He also earned Iron and Elite Cadet recognition. The Montana Youth Challenge Academy is a residential academic-intervention program on the campus of the University of Montana-Western for 16- to 18-yearold students who are at risk of being high school dropouts. Designed by the National Guard Bureau and
30 December 2021


Review 2021

Review 2021

The following are highlights from the previous year in the pages of the Community News. January Roosevelt County Commissioner Gordon Oelkers received the oath of office from Justice of the Peace Penny Hendrickson in Culbertson Tuesday, Dec. 29. The Town of Culbertson hosted a retirement party for David Dean Dec. 30. Dean addressed attendees, describing his time on the job as “nothing but



Oelkers Elected Commissioners’ Presiding Officer

Oelkers Elected Commissioners’ Presiding Officer

Gordon Oelkers was elected presiding officer for the Roosevelt County commissioners at the last regular meeting of the calendar year in Wolf Point. He was nominated by commissioner Gary Macdonald. Oelkers took a moment to thank Macdonald and commissioner Duane Nygaard for helping him learn on the job. He pointed out that while he has been serving in the role for six years, commissioners NygaardandMacdonaldhaveserved



