20 February 2025
13 February 2025

Culbertson Student Wins State Championship
Culbertson High School junior Josie Simonsen found the perfect category for her in speech and drama competitions this year.
After participating in dramatic solo during her first two high school years, Simonsen switched to memorized public address (MPA) this time around. She explained that she and Coach Jeri Gustafson figured out that the junior wasn’t a very dramatic person and preferred a

Senior Profile Williams Keeps Busy In Froid’s Activities
Senior Profile
Williams Keeps Busy In Froid’s Activities
Trent Williams has been involved in a wide variety of activities during his high school time in Froid.
His interests have included Business Professionals of America, FFA and band.
As a junior, Williams placed 11th in word processing during the BPA state conference.
He says his favorite FFA competition is mechanics.