23 January 2025

Area BPA Excel At Regional Meet
Culbertson Area students excelled during the Business Professional of America’s regional competition held in Lambert on Wednesday, Jan. 15.
Earning first-place honors for Culbertson were Felixe Becker in digital media production and Ivy Colvin in extemporaneous speech. The parliamentary procedure team of Ayden Ator, Payton Labatte, Kalia Featherston, Ivy Colvin and Felixe Becker placed second.

Sheriff Office Honors Employees
The Roosevelt County Sheriff’s Office has selected Joe Moore as the recipient of the 2024 Deputy of the Year award.
The award reads, “In recognition of your dedication and loyal services to the citizens of Roosevelt County.’
Moore resides in Bainville. He is an EMT and also a member of the fire department.
Along with being a deputy, he teaches First Aid classes in the area.

Senior Profile Scott Feels At Home In Bainville
Senior Profile
Scott Feels At Home In Bainville
The newest member of Bainville High School’s senior class of seven students is Hannah Scott. She moved to the area from Missouri after her father began working in an oil-related job.
Last year, the school that Scott attended had a senior class of about 300 students.
“I like that the people are very nice,” Scott said about Bainville.