30 July 2020



Culbertson School Board Discusses  Fall Back-To-School Plans At Meeting

Culbertson School Board Discusses Fall Back-To-School Plans At Meeting

Community News Staff Culbertson’s school officials have announced their plans to move forward with instruction to take place in the school building again this fall. “Our goal is to make it as normal as we can,” board chair Paul Finnicum said during the board meeting on Tuesday, July 21. “We’re looking to move forward. Hopefully, everybody is confident.” The school district’s


Animatronic Pets Coming To RMC

Animatronic Pets Coming To RMC

Picture this: A dementia resident in her late 70s wakes in the middle of the night confused. She begins to frantically search in a panic for a loved one. In this situation, it can be difficult to put her mind at ease because she is in the late stages of dementia. The nurse redirects her by placing a ‘cat’ in her arms and she immediately begins to pet it. Oscar looks like a cat. His orange, tabby






Brytny  Tovar-Disciplina

Brytny Tovar-Disciplina

Brytny Aliyah Tovar-Disciplina, eight months, died July 22, 2020. She was born Nov. 21, 2019, to Brittany S. Buck Elk and Sherman Johnston. She leaves behind her mother and father and brother Shontel Buck Elk; special grandma Priscilla Carpenter; and grandparents, Henry and Violet Buck Elk of Fort Kipp, Janel Buck Elk and William Burshia Sr. She was preceded in death by sisters, Kaliah


Micah Haase

Micah Haase

Funeral services for Micah Haase will be at 3 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 1, 2020, at his parent's farm (103 Homestead Hwy Homestead, Mont.). Fulkerson Funeral Home of Plentywood has charge of arrangements: read the complete obituary, post remembrances, send cards and flowers online at www.fulkersonsplentywood. com. Born on Sept. 14, 1985, (34 years old) at the Haase Farm in Homestead, Mont., Micah


Wayne Knudsen

Wayne Knudsen

Wayne Cecil Knudsen, 90, died July 23, 2020, at his Bainville home. He was born April 6, 1930, the second of six children (Gerald, Wayne, Naoma, Beulah, Lyle and Ora-Bell) to Hartivg Knudsen and Hazel (Young) Knudsen in a private home west of McCabe, Mont. He was a polio survivor, loved to hunt, fish, camp, travel with his trailer and work. Together, he and wife Janice started Knudsen’s