05 May 2022


As Eating Disorders Spike,  Rural Treatment Options Lag

As Eating Disorders Spike, Rural Treatment Options Lag

Erin Reynolds had battled bulimia since childhood, but the weeks before she entered treatment were among her worst. At 22, she was preparing to leave her home in Helena, Montana, for an inpatient program in New Jersey with round-the-clock medical care. Looking back six years later, Reynolds said seeking help was one of the most difficult parts of the recovery process. “I just kept bingeing




JMG Students Attend Ignite Conference

JMG Students Attend Ignite Conference

Area Jobs for Montana Graduates students headed to Helena last week to attend the annual IGNITE career development state conference. They were able to catch up with Attorney General Austin Knudsen for a visit and a private tour of the state capitol building. Students were able to ask questions and were also challenged with a few quiz questions about how state government works. Knudsen, his wife



Shirley Wallander

Shirley Wallander

Shirley Wallander, 85, of Billings, previously of Froid, died Thursday, April 21, 2022, at her home. She was born Oct. 25, 1936, in Medicine Lake to Lu and Melvin Tronson. She graduated from Medicine Lake High School in 1955. On Jan. 3, 1957, she married Gregory Wallander in Sidney and they spent 65 years together. She enjoyed children, especially babies, and was a foster parent for several infants. All of her grandchildren have many fond memories of time they spent with her. She worked as a secretary/ bookkeeper for a short time, but her favorite role in life was being a homemaker. She was an excellent cook and also enjoyed her flower gardens. While living in Froid, she was a member of the Roosevelt County Library board, the Froid Womens Club and was a member of the Froid Congregational Church. She




Sheridan Electric Cooperative line foreman Bryan Lenz (left to right), electrician Tom Hinds, apprentice lineman Nolen Drury and electrician Tristan Ereth repair a downed three-phase line northeast of Fortuna, N.D., April 30. Sheridan spokesman Josh Johnson told NPI at press time May 3 that residential service affected by recent storms should be restored by the end of the day but said commercial


Reuben Carl Damm

Reuben Carl Damm

Reuben Carl Damm passed away unexpectedly April 28, 2022. Reuben was born Nov. 1, 1939, the third of six children of Alexander and Mollie Damm. He was born at the family home near Froid, Mont., and attended Culbertson Public Schools, graduating in 1958. He served honorably as a member of the Montana National Guard while obtaining his teaching credentials and bachelor’s degree from Northern Montana College (now MSU-Northern). He taught school in Plentywood, Hysham and then Harlowton where he met Joann White whom he married in 1966. Their daughter, Anna Karenina Damm, was born in 1968 while both worked in the Granite County School District. In 1971, he completed a master’s degree in education. Beginning in 1975, Reuben worked at White Pine Sash in Missoula. In 1981, he and Joann divorced. He then met Beth Runge at the Solo Stars Square Dance group in Lolo, and they married on Oct. 30, 1982. After over a decade at White Pine, Reuben returned to UM for his special education teaching certification. In 1987, Reuben and Beth moved to Arco, Idaho, where he taught for over a decade, and they served the community as members of the Arco Baptist Church. In 2005, Reuben and Beth returned to Montana. Though retired, he did not slow down. He worked tirelessly, serving the Columbus Community Congregation UCC and the Museum of the Beartooths. He loved fishing and studying the history of Montana, and his life in Columbus offered


28 April 2022


Wind, Rain Pelts  Culbertson Prom

Wind, Rain Pelts Culbertson Prom

Culbertson High School hosted prom from 8 p.m. to midnight at the old armory building, despite wind, rain and snow that knocked down power lines throughout the region. Turnout was strong, with attendees and family members braving the weather. After-prom activities were canceled. James Kirkaldie and Autumn Bergum were crowned king and queen respectively. Kirkaldie was celebrating a birthday, a fact