03 February 2022


Senior Profile

Senior Profile

Trevor Ewack is one of Culbertson High School’s newest students, but he is proud to be part of this year’s senior class. Ewack became a student in Culbertson after moving to the area from Canada in December of 2020. “I like it so far,” Ewack said of the Culbertson community. “I like it better than I did up there. I’ve made more friends here.” His favorite activity is basketball


Crowder  Earns Award  From MHSA

Crowder Earns Award From MHSA

Culbertson superintendent of schools Larry Crowder recently received a state honor for his longtime contributions to extra-curricular activities. During the Montana High School Association’s annual meeting, Crowder was one of just three individuals in the state to be selected for a service citation award. The MHSA executive board honored Crowder in recognition of his significant contribution








Culbertson Scouts

Culbertson Scouts

Members of Culbertson Cub Scouts Pack 4293 had a visit from Roosevelt County Sheriff’s Office deputies (top center, from left) Orin Cantrell and Tim Lingle Jan. 26. The officers spoke to pack members about their job duties and respective responsibilities in the community. For more information about area scouting, visit the group’s Facebook page. (Submitted photo)
