16 December 2021



First Place

First Place

The Rangers took first place in the fourth-grade boys’ division at the Ballin’ in the Basin basketball tournament held in Williston, N.D. Players are from Culbertson, Lambert and Bainville. Coaches were Cody Steppler and Scott Sorenson. Team members are (back row, from left) Landon Schrmidt, Blake Sorenson, Bode Cullinan, Cy Carda, Noah Martin, Easton Stepper, (front row) Flint Solem, Bo Becker


Tester Says Supply Chain Issues Improving

Tester Says Supply Chain Issues Improving

By Bill Vander Weele During a call with Montana news members on Thursday, Dec. 9, U.S. Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont., noted that strides are being taken to improve the country’s supply chain but more work still needs to be accomplished. “We’re heading in the right direction,” Tester said. He added that the average time to transport goods has reduced significantly during the past few weeks.






Homespun Jeweler Hosts Classes

Homespun Jeweler Hosts Classes

Genea Harris has been hosting classes and offering handmade wire, rock and beaded jewelry in the old Searchlight office across from Hometown Market in Culbertson. She invited the Community News to sit in on a “Rocks n Wire” class Sunday, Dec. 12. During the class, Harris hosted Culbertson’s Nina Gregory and daughter Heather Hodges of Newberg, as well as Mary Hinojosa of Poplar. The

