12 August 2021






Bathhouse Fundraiser

Bathhouse Fundraiser

Women’s club members (left-right) DeAnne Weeks, Lauri Handy, Cheryl Kirkaldie, Lanette Bidegaray, Shelby Lebsock and Ashley Anderson raised $4600 for improvements at the pool bathhouse during an Aug. 3 event at the Culbertson pool. The club has raised $132,000 for the project thus far. Along with donations, members are soliciting letters of support for two pending grant applications. For more information,


application phase. 
	  During ….

application phase. During ….

application phase. During a final budget hearing, an additional $5,600 was approved for new meter reading technology needed to avoid a full system replacement in the near future. The cost for the upgrade will be approximately $26,000. A work order for WWC Engineering related to the Montana Department of Transportation’s Highway 2 project portion in Culbertson. The amount approved was $47,500
05 August 2021


Froid Prepares For All-Class Reunion

Froid Prepares For All-Class Reunion

The Froid community will have one of the largest celebrations in its history when the 100th anniversary all-class reunion takes place Friday, Aug. 6, through Sunday, Aug. 8. “People are coming in literally from all over the United States,” Jim Royan, one of the event’s organizers, said. He expects more than 200 people including people from Arizona, Texas and Washington state. Royan,



Family Still Hopes Waller’s Body Is Found

Family Still Hopes Waller’s Body Is Found

The hope continues. It has been more than eight years since Nicole Waller went missing. Her vehicle was found abandoned between Poplar and Wolf Point. In October of 2016, a jury found Cody Johnston of Fairview for deliberate homicide of his former girlfriend. Family members of Waller still wish that the day comes when her body is found. “We will never get over it, but we can move forward,”
