12 February 2020


Area Gymnasts Finish In Top Five

Area Gymnasts Finish In Top Five

Three Eastern Montana silver gymnasts won medals for their top five all-around finishes at the Great Falls meet Feb. 8. They were Kate Nasner (on left) of Wolf Point, fourth place; Lily Beery (center) of Circle, first place; and Ava Hove (second from right) of Circle, third place. (Submitted photo)








Local Shooter Second In State

Local Shooter Second In State

Samantha Neufeld, 9, of Lustre finished second in the Elks State Hoop Shoot free throw competition in Livingston Saturday, Feb. 8. The Lustre Grade School student previously competed at the Glasgow Hoop Shoot and district competition in Glendive. She was first-place winners at both in the girls’ age 6-9 division. Newfeld just missed qualifying for the Elks National Hoop Shoot in Chicago in April.


05 February 2020


Elks Honor Community  Members At Annual Banquet

Elks Honor Community Members At Annual Banquet

Highlighting the Wolf Point Elks Lodge #1764’s annual fundraiser banquet this year was the organization’s presentation of awards to outstanding community members. Receiving the Citizen of the Year award was Barb Olson, who was recognized for her work with the youth of the community. Olson was instrumental in the organization of the Wolf Point Junior Optimist Club as well as the Bigger Sky