31 March 2022






Gas Prices Increase By 9.3 Cents

Gas Prices Increase By 9.3 Cents

Average gasoline prices in Montana have risen 9.3 cents per gallon in the last week, averaging $4.08/g on Monday, March 28, according to GasBuddy’s survey of 615 stations in Montana. Prices in Montana are 61.9 cents per gallon higher than a month ago and stand $1.37/g higher than a year ago. According to GasBuddy price reports, the cheapest station in Montana was priced at $3.88/g yesterday


Visitors Receive Good Vibes At Frontier

Visitors Receive Good Vibes At Frontier

Frontier School students served up a treat for their parents and community with a Good Vibes Cafe on Thursday, March 24. The night featured free drinks and cookies along with students portraying historical figures in a wax museum setting. The event attracted 187 individuals. Tina Strauser, social studies teacher, explained, the Good Vibes Cafe is a new program, but the wax museum has





Turcotte Stays Active At High School

Turcotte Stays Active At High School

Russell Turcotte is glad that he’s part of Wolf Point High School’s senior class after arriving in the community when he was a junior high student. His involvement has included playing on the football team and being a member of the Wolves’ track program. He was an offensive guard and a defensive end this past football season. “The highlight was getting a win on the home field,”