27 January 2022


20 January 2022


100 Club 
	Wolf Point Mayor ….

100 Club Wolf Point Mayor ….

100 Club Wolf Point Mayor Chris Dschaak signs a proclamation making January 100 Club Month in the city. The Wolf Point 100 Club, which started in 1980, raises funds for healthcare entities in Wolf Point. The Wolf Point 100 Club was able to donate over $25,000 for local health care equipment needs last year. (Photo by Bill Vander Weele)




Reum Commended For  Going Beyond Call Of Duty

Reum Commended For Going Beyond Call Of Duty

The efforts of Wolf Point’s school resource officer and law enforcement potentially saved the life of a high school student in December. During the Wolf Point School board meeting on Jan. 17, a letter was read from the Wolf Point Police Department to commend resource officer Corey Reum from going beyond the call of duty during an incident on Dec. 21. Reum explained that a high school girl


2021 Review

2021 Review

The following are highlights from the previous year in the pages of the Northern Plains Independent. August The Badlands Celebration was held over three days at the Brockton powwow grounds July 30 through Aug. 1. The parking lot project at the Wolf Point High School was completed. The final walk through took place on Tuesday, Aug. 10. Wolf Point Superintendent of Schools Loverty Erickson


Elks Lodge Donates To Help Foster Babies

Elks Lodge Donates To Help Foster Babies

The Wolf Point Elks Lodge #1764 is using funds received through national Beacon grants to help the area’s youngest residents. The Elks National Foundation has made $3,500 in Beacon grants available to every lodge. Beacon grants allow lodges a chance to develop an on-going, charitable Elks-driven community project. After seeing a Facebook post by former local nurse Paige Stanton about starting


