04 November 2021




Dylan  Cromwell

Dylan Cromwell

Dylan Michael Cromwell, 23, of Galena, Ohio, and formerly of Scobey, died from injuries sustained in traffic accident on Interstate 70 near Danville, Ind. Funeral services will be Nov. 20 at 1 p.m. at the Scobey High School gymnasium. A full obituary will be released when completed by the family. Cremation will take place under the direction of Waller Funeral Home.
28 October 2021


Winter Anticipated To Be Slightly Colder

Winter Anticipated To Be Slightly Colder

Montana can anticipate slightly lower than normal temperatures this winter, according to the National Weather Service. The NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center reports that there’s a 50-60 percent chance that northern portions of Montana will experience below average temperatures. “Consistent with typical La Nina conditions during winter months, we anticipate below-normal temperatures


Fifth-Grade Students Tour Greenhouse

Fifth-Grade Students Tour Greenhouse

A group of fifth-grade students learned more about nature during a visit to the Wolf Point High School’s new greenhouse on Tuesday, Oct. 19. A class from Northside Elementary School toured the greenhouse under the direction of agriculture teacher Martin Toavs. The teacher expects many other younger students to view the greenhouse throughout the school year. “It’s good to give them exposure,”




