28 October 2021







Commission Considers  Two Congressional Maps

Commission Considers Two Congressional Maps

The Montana Districting and Apportionment Commission will meet on Saturday, Oct. 30, to consider Montanan’s thoughts on two proposals to divide the state into two congressional districts. The commission seeks public input on Commission Proposals 10 and 11. Written comments are particularly encouraged, either directly on interactive maps of the proposals or using the commission’s webform.




MHS Publishes Centennial  Farms, Ranches Book

MHS Publishes Centennial Farms, Ranches Book

Resilient Monta n a n s who kept their farms or ranches in the same family for 100 years or more are featured in a new Montana Historical Society book. Recent recipients of the Centennial designation include the Benson Upland Farm near Outlook and the Danielson Farm near Homestead. “Montana’s Centennial Farms and Ranches,” by MHS historian Christine Brown, features narrative histories and


Nelson Serves  Community As Volunteer

Nelson Serves Community As Volunteer

Dennis Nelson, this year’s Wolf Point Optimist of the Year, finds volunteer community service work to be very rewarding. “It keeps me out of trouble for one thing. It’s fun,” Nelson said. “Overall, it’s all to help the kids.” One of the projects that Nelson is very active with is transporting smashed cans to Sidney in order to have them be recycled. “The Optimist Club gets