10 June 2021





School Staff Receive Honors To End Year

School Staff Receive Honors To End Year

At the end of a school year like no other, the Wolf Point School District honored some of its employees in a new fashion on Friday, June 4. Teachers and other staff members from each school were saluted during a dinner at the Wolf Point Airport Golf Club. Sarah Chambers, Wolf Point’s curriculum director, explained a survey was sent out to all staff members. They voted for the top certified





Elks Salutes Dedicated Individuals

Elks Salutes Dedicated Individuals

Wolf Point Elks Lodge #1764 recognized the dedication of several individuals during its annual awards banquet on Monday, June 7. Exalted Ruler Jeff Presser thanked everybody for their support to the organization and community. “The Elks has always been a special place for me,” Presser said to the audience. He said he remembers it was always special going to the Elks with his grandparents


Students Create Quilts As Part Of Class

Students Create Quilts As Part Of Class

Combining geometry and art proved to be an excellent learning opportunity for some Wolf Point High School students this spring. After math teacher Wendy Connelley had her sophomore and junior students learn symmetry skills in geometry class, the students were instructed to create barn quilts. Art teacher Vivian Schultz collaborated with Connelley on the project. “We incorporated their
