21 October 2021



Wolf Point Optimist Club 2021-2022 Officers

Wolf Point Optimist Club 2021-2022 Officers

Newly installed officers for the Optimist Club of Wolf Point are (left to right) Larry Neutgens, Helen Welte, Lovella Landsrud, Dennis Nelson, secretary/treasurer Gloria Sande, Susie Davis, vice president Pat Stennes, vice president Elsie Hanson and president Carol Neutgens.


Hanson Wins Award

Hanson Wins Award

Valley County Fire Warden Bob Hanson was awarded the Montana State Fire Chiefs Association’s highest honor, the Jim Blankenship Award for Excellence in Fire Training, at the group’s annual convention Oct. 15. The award was inspired by Jim Blankenship, who passed away in 2015. Blankenship served as a fire chief early in his career and later worked at the Washington State DNR and the Montana DNRC.


Beverly Wetzel

Beverly Wetzel

Beverly Ann Wetzel, 91, died at Saint Patrick's Hospital in Missoula on Oct. 11, 2021. She was born Aug. 28, 1930, in Circle to Anfin Estrem and Beatha (Odness) Estrem. They later moved to Park Grove and she loved her childhood there even though (as she put it) they were poor as church mice. It was a memorable time of her life, growing up with her siblings, full of mischief, laughter and



Valerie Todd

Valerie Todd

Valerie Ann WarClub Todd, 68, of Brockton died Sept. 30, 2021. She was born on June 21, 1953, to Virgil WarClub and Maude L. White Horse in Poplar. She was raised by her grandmother Lucille Powell Left Hand Thunder until the age of 15. She then went to live with Pauline and Chiefy Boxer for many years. She married Darrell K. Todd Sr. on June 29, 1990. They were married for many years until


Matthew Black Eagle

Matthew Black Eagle

Matthew “Matt” Paul Black Eagle, 58, died Oct. 10, 2021, at Trinity Hospital in Wolf Point. He was born Sept. 12, 1963, to Donna (Hopkins) and Thomas Black Eagle in Glasgow. He grew up in the Nashua/Wolf Point area and attended Nashua elementary and high school. He was a member of the Red Bottom Clan and enrolled member of the Fort Belknap Reservation. He was a kindhearted, loving man,


Imogen  Hutchinson

Imogen Hutchinson

Imogen Rue Hutchinson died Oct. 9, 2021, at Seattle Children’s Hospital after 10 months of ongoing medical complications. Imogen’s resiliency and strength was gentle and obvious to everyone she encountered. She was born on March 7, 2020, in Bozeman. Her parents, Hannah and Travis, embraced her adventurous spirit from the beginning. She loved the outdoors, bubbles and was keen on a lively


Arden Will

Arden Will

Arden Ray Will, 72, died Oct. 2, 2021, at the Eagle Cliff Manor in Billings. He was born Oct. 5, 1948, to William and Amelia (Koth) Will in Wolf Point, the youngest of 11 children and the only one born in Montana and at a hospital. He attended schools in Richey, Outlook and Wolf Point, graduating in 1966. His father managed grain elevators and Arden worked for area farmers. Denver Bronco


Anthony Mazawasicuna Jr.

Anthony Mazawasicuna Jr.

Anthony Aaron Mazawasicuna Jr., 30, of Poplar died Oct. 7, 2021, at Poplar Community Hospital. He was born on Friday, Dec. 14, 1990, in Sidney to Anthony Carlos Mazawasicuna and Ninette Christie Hamilton. He is a direct descendant seventh generation of “Mato Wakan” Chief Medicine Bear. “Hoksida Hopa (Pretty Boy)” is his Dakota name. His later “Unka” (grandfather) Aaron McKay of Sioux