16 July 2020



Thursday, Friday Winners

Thursday, Friday Winners

Leroy Morningowl (left to right), Carson Garcia and TJ Kerr won the Wild Horse races on both Thursday and Friday nights at the Wild Horse Stampede in Wolf Point. (Photo by James Walling)


Saturday Wild Horse Winners

Saturday Wild Horse Winners

Emmett Jackson (left to right), Lane Meanus and CJ Harvey won the Wild Horse Race on Saturday, July 11, at the Wild Horse Stampede. The team was sponored by Tek Industries. (Photo by James Walling)


Meanus, Jackson

Meanus, Jackson

Lane Meanus (left to right) and Emmett Jackson hold steady for team member CJ Harvey (not pictured) to mount up for the winning ride in the wild horse race at the ––Wild Horse Stampede Saturday, July 11, in Wolf Point. The team was sponsored by Tek Industries. (Photo by James Walling)


Kerr, Morningowl, Garcia

Kerr, Morningowl, Garcia

TJ Kerr (black shirts, left to right), Leroy Morningowl and Carson Garcia won the Wild Horse Race at the Wild Horse Stampede in Wolf Point Friday, July 10. The team also won the Thursday night’s race as well. (Photo by James Walling)
09 July 2020


Six Local Students Attend Ecology  Trip To Yellowstone National Park

Six Local Students Attend Ecology Trip To Yellowstone National Park

Six Wolf Point High School students attended this year’s summer Ecology Project International Yellowstone trip June 29 through July 3. Wolf Point students attending were Kholby Spotted Wolf, Danny Burshia, Alexis Baker, Cyntori Vallie, Iva Ricker and Nashon Red Dog. Vivian Schultz served as chaperone and driver for the group. Schultz was instrumental in providing the students an opportunity


Commissioners Approve Pay  Freeze For Elected Officials

Commissioners Approve Pay Freeze For Elected Officials

The Roosevelt County Commissioners held their regular meeting Tuesday, July 7. Minutes were approved for the month and June for the June 30 regular meeting. Minutes were also approved for a compensation board meeting June 30. At the meeting, the commissioners approved a pay raise of $1 per year for the clerk and recorder, effectively freezing that salary. Other elected officials wages have


Fireworks Survive COVID, But  Mother Nature Forces Delay

Fireworks Survive COVID, But Mother Nature Forces Delay

The old show business phrase, “The show must go on,” kept the 12 people that are the Independence Day fireworks crew determined to not cancel the show due to the Coronavirus and wait out a rain delay with a severe thunderstorm. Increases in COVID-19 positive tests derailed July four fireworks across the nation, forcing cancellations. Wolf Point’s annual fireworks show that starts at

