02 July 2020


‘Jackets Sting Opponents

‘Jackets Sting Opponents

Trevin Boysun Kelbie Talks Different The Yellow Jackets “A” and “B” squads have posted several wins and close loses, stinging some opponents. The A team, the former American Legion Baseball Yellow Jackets, are scheduled to play until early August. The B team, the former Babe Ruth League ‘Jackets for ages 12-15, are scheduled to play until the second weekend in July. “The


Kelbie Talks Different

Kelbie Talks Different

Yellow Jackets’ (7) throws a Glendive batter out from shortstop during a A team contest Friday, June 26. (Photo by John Plestina)


Charlie Page

Charlie Page

‘Jackets third basemanfields a ground ball during the game with Froid at Burgie Field Tuesday, June 23. (Photo by John Plestina)


Azure Youpee

Azure Youpee

Wolf Point shortstop Andrew throws out a Froid batter after fielding a ground ball Tuesday, June 23. (Photo by John Plestina)


25 June 2020


Heser To Serve As Wild Horse  Stampede Grand Marshal

Heser To Serve As Wild Horse Stampede Grand Marshal

By James Walling Longtime Wolf Point Stampede parade leader Ken Heser has been selected to serve as Grand Marshal for 2020. He has been helping to line up the parade at the high school for more than 50 years, following in father Frank’s footsteps. “About the time the new grandstands went in,” said Heser, “my dad started helping line up the parade. I took over from him.” Heser



Lustre Graduation  Set For Sunday

Lustre Graduation Set For Sunday

By James Walling Lustre Christian High School has scheduled commencement activities for Sunday, June 28. The event will take place at the LCHS gym. Start time is 3 p.m. Eight graduates will take the stage, including Terry Allmer, Olivia Brown, Megan Fast, Diego S. Froiland, Kyle Pederson, Amber Reddig, Lily Short and Hannah Thomas. Olivia Brown has been named class valedictorian. Megan Fast is


Reduced Service Planned For Empire Builder

Reduced Service Planned For Empire Builder

Amtrak will cut service later this year on most of its long-distance routes nationwide to three times a week instead of the current daily service because ridership has fallen significantly during the coronavirus pandemic. Amtrak spokeswoman Kimberly Woods said June 17 that the cuts will take effect Oct. 1 and remain in place until at least the summer of 2021. Woods added that daily service
