09 July 2020


Fireworks Survive COVID, But  Mother Nature Forces Delay

Fireworks Survive COVID, But Mother Nature Forces Delay

The old show business phrase, “The show must go on,” kept the 12 people that are the Independence Day fireworks crew determined to not cancel the show due to the Coronavirus and wait out a rain delay with a severe thunderstorm. Increases in COVID-19 positive tests derailed July four fireworks across the nation, forcing cancellations. Wolf Point’s annual fireworks show that starts at








Montana is the oldest state ….

Montana is the oldest state ….

Montana is the oldest state west of the Mississippi, and demographic projections show the state growing collectively older as more Montanans enter their senior years. The economic, cultural and personal impacts of that trend present the state and its residents with new challenges and, with those challenges, opportunities. Graying Pains is a six-month series of weekly stories and broadcasts exploring


Johnson To Show Works At Bryan’s

Johnson To Show Works At Bryan’s

Local artist Lance Johnson is coming to town during Stampede weekend. He was to be a featured artist at Art in the Park, which was canceled late last week. He’ll be painting at Bryan’s most of the day Friday and Saturday. His typical subjects include cascading waterfalls, fly fishermen, Native American subjects, wildlife, florals, high country landscapes, old structures and more. Johnson
