11 June 2020


Making A Mile

Making A Mile

Karen Nelson (orange vests, left to right), Larry Neutgens and Melanie Nelson helped community members add pennies to the Optimist Club of Wolf Point’s Mile of Pennies fundraising effort on Sixth Avenue North Sunday, June 7. At press time, Opportunity Bank was still counting donations. (Photo by Jessica Smith)


Fort Peck Tribes Offer COVID-19 Testing

Fort Peck Tribes Offer COVID-19 Testing

The Fort Peck Tribes, Northeast Montana Health Services and the Montana National Guard offered COVID-19 testing at two locations last week. Tests were offered at Poplar Community Hospital June 3 and Trinity Hospital in Wolf Point June 4. All community members were welcome to participate. Local EMS crews canvassed the community for additional test takers. In all, 644 tests were administered. Governor



Commissioners Vote No  On Brockton Sidewalks

Commissioners Vote No On Brockton Sidewalks

The Roosevelt County Commissioners voted 2-1 against improving sidewalks in Brockton. At their regular meeting Tuesday, June 9, a motion was defeated to approve an agreement between the county and the Montana Department of Transportation regarding sidewalk maintenance in Brockton. Said commissioner Gary Macdonald, “Brockton isn’t paying enough to keep it out of the red.” Commissioner







Low-Cost Classes Can Help Seniors Stay Fit

Low-Cost Classes Can Help Seniors Stay Fit

Choteau Acantha As Montana’s aging population continues to grow (18.9 percent of Montanans are now 65 or older), rural residents face the same aging challenges as their urban counterparts but often with fewer resources. A low-cost, high-benefit strength-training program offered through Montana State University Extension may be one solution for how seniors living in small towns can access