09 July 2020


Simmes To Appear As  Bullfighter At Stampede

Simmes To Appear As Bullfighter At Stampede

Dakoda Simmes, of Sunburst, will join J.d. Harrell in the arena for the 2020 Wild Horse Stampede rodeo as a bullfighter ready to jump between a cowboy and 1,500 pounds of danger. This will be the Simmes’ first appearance at the Wild Horse Stampede. In the blink of an eye, a bull ride can go from good to catastrophic, and it’s the bullfighters’ jobs to keep their own nerves in check and


Montana Bullfighter Harrell Returns To Stampede

Montana Bullfighter Harrell Returns To Stampede

Central Montana bullfighter J.D. Harrell will perform at the 2020 Wild Horse Stampede rodeo Thursday through Saturday, July 9-11. His career as a bullfighter goes back to his time competing in high school rodeo in Roy, north of Lewistown, where he grew up and still lives. Harrell found that bullfighters were needed at high school rodeos. He would compete in the bullriding event, then go on to


Montana Bullfighter Harrell Returns To Stampede

Montana Bullfighter Harrell Returns To Stampede

Central Montana bullfighter J.D. Harrell will perform at the 2020 Wild Horse Stampede rodeo Thursday through Saturday, July 9-11. His career as a bullfighter goes back to his time competing in high school rodeo in Roy, north of Lewistown, where he grew up and still lives. Harrell found that bullfighters were needed at high school rodeos. He would compete in the bullriding event, then go on to


Rodeo Clown Rhoads To Fill In For Halstead

Rodeo Clown Rhoads To Fill In For Halstead

Rodeo clowns have many jobs in the arena and Tate Rhoads is one of the best at all of them. From making spectators laugh until they hurt to helping keep the cowboys safe, Rhoads excels at it all. Rhoads graduated from Custer County High School in Miles City. He said he grew up with rodeos and became interested in fighting bulls around the time he turned 16. By 18, he had begun to focus on clowning.
02 July 2020


COVID-19 Round-Up

COVID-19 Round-Up

COVID-19 Round-Up According to Montana health officials, another 90 COVID-19 cases in the state have been confirmed, according to test results reported from Saturday through Monday. The weekend bumped the state’s total number of known cases over 900. Twenty-three new cases were reported on Saturday, 11 on Sunday and a one-day record of 56 Monday. Nearly 300 people in the state are known



Lustre Honors Eight Graduates

Lustre Honors Eight Graduates

(Submitted Lustre Christian High School held commencement activities for eight graduates Sunday, June 28. The list of honorees includes Terry Paul Allmer, Olivia Pearl Brown, Megan Elizabeth Fast, Diego Scott Froiland, Kyle David Pederson, Amber Ann Reddig, Lily Elisabeth Short and Hannah Ellen Elisabeth Thomas. The class verse is Psalm 46:1-2. The class quote is “The people that get to where



Pound Puppies

Pound Puppies

(Submitted photo)
