02 July 2020


MZ Explosion Camp Teaches  Athletic Conditioning Techniques

MZ Explosion Camp Teaches Athletic Conditioning Techniques

MZ Explosion Camp MZ Explosion Camp, a novel approach to athletic conditioning, presents new ways to workout for local athletes. The camp for 10 athletes going into grades seven through 12 is held four mornings each week for four weeks at Impact Fitness on the 200 block of Main Street. Seven of the 10 attending the camp are students at Wolf Point Junior/Senior High School, two are Poplar


Youth Softball Tournaments Postponed

Youth Softball Tournaments Postponed

Hi-Line softball seasonending tournaments in Plentywood for girls’ major fast pitch (ages 13 through high school) and minor (ages nine through 12) were postponed due to rain Monday, June 29. The Wolf Point Bumblebees minor team was scheduled to play a one-day, threegame tournament Monday June 29, and the Lady Jackets major team was scheduled for a one-day fast pitch tournament Tuesday,


Ace Adams

Ace Adams

Ace Adams scores during a boys’ pee wee A vs. B squads game Tuesday, June 23. (Photo by John Plestina)


Etta Kunz

Etta Kunz

Etta Kunz rounds third base on her way to scoring during a girls’ pee wee A vs. B squads’ game Tuesday, June 23. (Photo by John Plestina)



Kori Hentges

Kori Hentges

throws a batter out during a girls’ pee wee A vs. B squads’ game Tuesday, June 23. (Photo by John Plestina)


NEMHS Foundation  Hosts Golf Tournament

NEMHS Foundation Hosts Golf Tournament

(Submitted With the help of sponsors and participants, the Northeast Montana Health Services Charitable Foundation held a very successful 23rd annual golf tournament at the Wolf Point Airport Golf Club on Saturday, June 29. Throughout the sun-filled day, golfers enjoyed a chance to win cash at each of the 18 holes that were sponsored by supportive individuals and local businesses. New this


Golf Tournament

Golf Tournament

(Submitted With COVID-19 restrictions in mind, the NEMHS Charitable Foundation golf tournament yielded 18 four-man teams hitting the greens to help raise money for the foundation and hospitals.



Eleven Bison Transferred  To Tribes’ Facility

Eleven Bison Transferred To Tribes’ Facility

Eleven bison from Yellowstone National Park were transferred to the Fort Peck Reservation June 24. The transfer is the fourth shipment of the quarantined animals to the Fort Peck Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes facility. Defenders of Wildlife partnered with the Tribes to deliver the bison. Former Fort Peck tribal chairman A.T. Stafne drove one of the trucks. Stafne made the original motion to move