04 June 2020


‘Jackets Face Off Against Froid-Area Teams

‘Jackets Face Off Against Froid-Area Teams

The Wolf Point Yellow Jackets’ “A” team opened the season at Froid with 15-5 and 12-2 doubleheader losses to the Post 49 Bulls Saturday, May 30. The “B” teams with younger and less experienced players split a twin bill on Wolf Point’s Burkie Field Sunday, May 31, with the Yellow Jackets winning the first game 13-10 and the Agland A’s winning the second game 20-16. Yellow Jackets’





Irizarry Wins Student Art Contest

Irizarry Wins Student Art Contest

Tribal College Journal has announced that Tiffanie Irizarry and Suni S. Vizcarra Wood, both students at the Institute of American Indian Arts in Sante Fe, N.M., are the winners of the 2020 TCJ Student cover art contest. Irizarry’s portrait drawing of Hollow Horn Bear will appear on the cover of the summer 2021 issue of TCJ, while Vizcarra Wood’s digital artwork, Spiritual Embodiment,



Fire Destroys House On Front Street

Fire Destroys House On Front Street

The Wolf Point Volunteer Fire Department responded to a structure fire on the 500 block of Front Street at 9:12 p.m. on Wednesday, May 27. The house was not occupied at the time of the fire. (Photo by Darla Downs)


28 May 2020



Roosevelt County Is Transitioning  To The Reopening Of Phase Two

Roosevelt County Is Transitioning To The Reopening Of Phase Two

Roosevelt County is transitioning to the reopening of phase two. As Roosevelt County reopens, the community still needs to remain cautious. Ultimately, you can make the difference. It is not necessary to police those around us, but it is necessary to hold ourselves accountable for our own actions. We all have the ability to decrease the risk of spread by continuing to practice activities that