06 November 2019





Redgrave To Serve As IHS  Billings Area Director

Redgrave To Serve As IHS Billings Area Director

Bryce Redgrave, a 1988 Wolf Point High School graduate, was appointed recently as director of Indian Health Services Billings Area. A press release noted, “He will provide leadership in the administration of a comprehensive federal, tribal, and urban Indian health care system. The IHS Billings Area provides health care services to more than 70,000 American Indian and Alaska Native people



Elks Trick-Or-Treat

Elks Trick-Or-Treat

Elks Trick-Or-Treat Wolf Point Elks Lodge No. 1764 was one of several downtown merchants participating in Halloween trunk-ortreating while the Trunk-or-Treat event on Anaconda Street Thursday, Oct. 31. Pictured are Elks employee Tim Goodman handing out Halloween candy to (from left to right) Ashtyn Traeholt, 9, Harmonee Uchtman, 6, and Christopher Traeholt, 9. The three children are from Lustre.


Costume Parade

Costume Parade

Northside Elementary School teacher Diane Bailey watches as sixth-graders Teagan Williams (left) and Kashlyn Speak Thunder parade past her during Northside’s annual Halloween costume parade Thursday, Oct. 31. (Photo by John Plestina)



Stovern Marks 20  Years At Credit Union

Stovern Marks 20 Years At Credit Union

Shelly Stovern celebrated two decades of service at Wolf Point Federal Credit Union in September. WPFCU chief operating o_cer Dawn Allen told the Northern Plains Independent that branch employees dedicated Sept. 27 to marking Stovern’s anniversary with the organization. “We had a whole day dedicated to celebrating and congratulating Shelly,” said Allen. She said credit union
