20 November 2019



Student Of The Week

Student Of The Week

The Wolf Point Junior High/High School student of the week for the week of Nov. 4 is Adriana Steele. Steele, 12, is a seventh grader and the granddaughter of Myron and Mary Long. Her siblings include Lonnie, 10; and Amay, 13. Her favorite subject is journalism. Her role model is her aunt Melissa Long. Her hobbies include art and she wishes to become a veterinarian. She was selected from





It’s A Boy

It’s A Boy

Kyllian Don Falcon was born Nov. 15 at 9:33 p.m. to Kirsten Keiser and Nicholas Falcon at Frances Mahon Deaconess Hospital in Glasgow. His grandparents are Kimberly Keiser and Ty Gonzales of Glasgow, Ron and Darcy Keiser of Wolf Point and Ford Falcon and Christie Owens of Poplar.



Youth Conference Sees  Hopeful Discussions

Youth Conference Sees Hopeful Discussions

Over 100 high school students from Frazer, Wolf Point, Poplar and Brockton attended a three-day conference last week led by Dr. Clayton Small, founder and lead trainer for Native P.R.I.D.E (Prevention, Research, Intervention, Development, Education). The Native HOPE youth conference was hosted by the NDO youth council and Spotted Bull Treatment Center. Spotted Bull project coordinator Carrie

