Murder/Suicide Occurs In Casino Near Bainville

A domestic dispute resulted in the murder of two individuals and the suicide of another at a casino east of Bainville on Saturday, Nov. 6.
Victims were Scott Panasuk, 63, of Bainville, and Jennifer Mann, 49, of Williston, N.D. Bradford Mann, 56, of Williston shot both of the individuals before shooting himself, according to Roosevelt County Sheriff Jason Frederick.
The Roosevelt County’s Sheriff Office was notified of the shootings that took place in the Colby Casino parking lot at 5:20 p.m.
According to the report, Bradford Mann followed the other two individuals to the casino. After a brief argument between him and Panasuk, he shot Panasuk. Bradford Mann then shot his wife, who was still in Panasuk’s vehicle. Mann then turned the gun on himself.
All parties died at the scene.
Sheriff Frederick said an off-duty tribal officer who was at the scene provided great assistance. “He gave us a heads-up of what was going on. It made us a lot safer going into it,” Frederick said.
Other agencies responding to the scene were the Williams County Sheriff’s Office, Williston Police Department, North Dakota Highway Patrol, Montana Highway Patrol, Fort Peck tribal police, EMS from Bainville, Williston, Culbertson and Froid and the Williston and Bainville fire departments.