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Education Association Makes Proposals During Meeting

The Wolf Point Education Association presented a handful of proposals during its contract bargaining meeting with the Wolf Point School District on Monday, Feb. 28.

Patricia Toavs, co-president of the Education Association, said salary proposals will be made at the next meeting because some figures need to be reviewed again prior to presenting the requests to the school district’s representatives.

One proposal heard at the Feb. 28 meeting was to add concession workers to the list of workers who get paid at extra-curricular duties. The list already includes such responsibilities as timers, chain crew, bench officials, starters for track and finish line judges. Toavs said the concession workers they want included aren’t the head advisors, but those teachers who come to help the students.

The proposal is that pay for these duties will increase from $15 to $20 per game/event.

Another proposal regards that if a substitute teacher is not available and a teacher is requested by the building principal to substitute for another teacher’s classroom for the day, the teachers will be compensated at the district substitute teacher’s rate rather than the current $60 per day.

Regarding sick leave, a proposal is that any teacher will more than 100 days or 825 hours of discretionary leave will be paid for 10 days of that unused leave at the teacher’s daily pay rate.

Another proposal is that the school board shall award up to $1,000 in Educational Aid Grants for 10 teachers annually for professional development. Another proposal is that each teacher will receive an individual contract. If a change of assignment is to be made, the change will be discussed with the teacher involved as soon as the need for the change is evident. Teachers should be notified no later than the last working day of the school year. If a teacher is involuntarily transferred or assigned to a different position, the district must pay the teacher for five additional days to prepare for the assignments based on the teacher’s base salary.

Regarding Emergency Authorization of Employment (EAE) certification, a proposal is that the district must provide on-going monthly professional development. The bargaining unit members will be required to attend the at least three-hour long sessions. The salary schedule will be revised to include bargaining unit members holding EAE licensure to be place in the Class 7 lane.

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