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Montana Farm Bureau Scholarships Available

The Montana Farm Bureau Foundation and Women’s Leadership Committee are once again offering more than $7,000 in scholarships to students pursuing higher education. Educating youth is part of the MFBF Mission Statement: Montana Farm Bureau is a grassroots organization dedicated to preserving and improving the agriculture and natural resource industries through member involvement in education, political activities, programs and services.

Montana Farm Bureau Foundation Bernard Greufe Memorial Scholarship - Applications will be considered for the $1,500 Bernard Greufe Memorial Honor Scholarship administered by the Montana Farm Bureau Foundation. The purpose of this scholarship is to assist Montana Farm Bureau members and children of members pursue higher education.

Future of Agriculture Honor Scholarship – The Future of Agriculture Honor Scholarship is administered by the Montana Farm Bureau Foundation through generous donations from Seed Source, Inc. of Toston, MT. The scholarship is a one-time award of $1,500 and will be awarded for the Fall 2025 semester. A scholarship selection committee will review all applications and will choose one award recipient based on the quality and sincerity of the applicant statement, financial need, character and endeavor. Proven work experience and future goals showing ingenuity in agricultural production and advancement of small-scale agriculture will carry extra weight in the judging process.

Collegiate YF& R Scholarship - The Foundation will award one $1,000 scholarship to a current member of the Collegiate Chapter of Young Farmers and Ranchers at MSU Bozeman, UM Western, or Miles Community College. The scholarship will be awarded for the Fall 2025 semester. The purpose of this scholarship is to assist Collegiate Young Farmer and Rancher members in pursuing a higher education.

Montana Farm Bureau Women’s Leadership Committee The Montana Farm Bureau Federation will present two $1,500 scholarships made available by the MFB Women’s Leadership Committee. The scholarships are available to both boys and girls graduating high school in 2025. Applicants must use it the fall of 2025 for higher education, be a current paid Montana Farm Bureau member, or an immediate member of a current paid Montana Farm Bureau family. Applications will be scored on scholastic achievement, future goals, community Involvement and school activities and leadership positions. Applications will be initially scored by your local County Farm Bureau. Your application may be considered for a locally sponsored award, and the county will submit up to two applications to be considered for the state awards by April 15.

All scholarships are due by midnight on April 1.

For more information on the rules and to apply visit Scholarships.

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