vents a school from taking ….
vents a school from taking additional precautions based on their needs.
Each phase has high level guidance for schools and includes more specific protocols and recommendations for each school to consider for their individual plan. The plan also includes best practices related to academics, extracurricular activities, transportation, physical and structural protocols to minimize interactions and crowding, while considering ways to promote the social, emotional, and behavioral health of students.
Some of the highlights encourage schools to consider accommodations for students, teachers, and staff who are in at risk group; occupancy limits that allow for social distancing; guidance on traffic flow to avoid crowding in congregational spaces; cleaning and disinfecting protocols; processes for monitoring students and staff for symptoms and history of exposure; producing guidelines in relation to isolation or quarantine if needed; how to serve meals while minimizing congregation; adjusting transportation schedules and protocols for sports and other extracurricular activities. A list of comprehensive additional resources is provided for schools including guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control, the Office of Public Instruction and the Montana High School Association. The full plan is available at Portals/223/Documents/ Education%20Final.pdf? ver=2020-07-02-123418-013.