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Big Muddy All-Stars Recently Announced

Community News Staff The Big Muddy Baseball League has honored its All-Stars for the past season.

The Major League's All-Stars features five players from Plentywood, four players from Scobey and three players from Culbertson- Lake-Froid.

Plentywood's players on the honored list include Henry Kukowski, Mallory Tommerup, Landon Flickinger, Brody Aasheim and Anderson Kaul.

Selected from Scobey were Bram Handran, Brecken Maher, Clay Southland and Evan Tande.

Honored from Culbertson- Froid-Lake were Brooks Solem, Cody Olson and Plenny Williams.

The Minor League's All-Stars include six players from Scobey, four from Froid-Lake and two from Culbertson.

Scobey's players listed featured Cam Cromwell, Reese Tande, Blake Lekvold, Asher Handran, Curtis Leibrand and Heath Cahill.

Selected from Froid-Lake were Eduardo Orozco, Teagan Fossum, Aaron Orozco and Carson Kelm.

Culbertson's players honored were Aaron Schmitz and Kyn Beery.

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