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Adaptability Grant Can Help Businesses With COVID-19 Virus Expenses

The Montana Business Adaptability Grant reimburses expenses associated with protecting staff, customers, and operations and customers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Montana-based businesses of all sizes and types that are registered with the Montana Secretary of State are eligible to apply.

Eligible expenses include communications equipment to remote workers, tools and materials to enhance social distancing, sanitation and travel costs for quarantining workers, cleaning supplies and other expenses.

Itemized receipts and proof of payment are required for reimbursement.

The cap for the Montana Business Adaptability Grants has been increased from $5,000 to $10,000.

Businesses that have already applied may re-apply for a second grant; total reimbursements for both grants cannot exceed $10,000.

The Montana Business Adaptability Grant was made possible through the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act. The CARES Act is federal legislation to stabilize the economy through the Coronavirus pandemic. It received bipartisan support and was signed by President Donald Trump.

For more information or to apply, visit Coronavirus-Relief.

Examples of COVID-19 related business expenses that have been funded with the Business Adaptability Funds: two-way radio system for an outfitter; outdoor furniture for a restaurant; online bull sales for a rancher; Zoom subscriptions for remote workers; high-quality air filtration systems for a dental office; mobile and remote equipment for a veterinarian; and laptops and other computer-related equipment to allow employees to work from home.

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