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Construction Underway At Roosevelt Medical Center

Roosevelt Medical Center recently hired Quick Steel of Billings to stabilize the west hall of the facility to stop it from further settling.

In all, a total of 32 concrete piers were poured to depths ranging from 21 to 119 feet. The piers will secure the foundation, which will help stop the shifting that can create cracks in sheet-rock and damage plumbing systems. The company performed the same stabilization maintenance about 20 years ago.

Once the foundation stabilization is completed, the next project down the west hallway will be to install oxygen in each room for patients and residents to occupy. During more recent years, this hall has housed traveling staff, marketing and activities departments, as well as the beauty shop, activity room and chapel.

Over the next year, RMC is working to reconfigure the facility with the goal of bringing clinic services upstairs. Some residents will move into the west hall and traveling staff will be relocated.

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