Culbertson Council Talks Ike’s Pond, Ordinance Language

The Culbertson Town Council held its regular meeting in Culbertson Monday, Oct. 12. The meeting was held in person.
Following roll call and the approval of the meeting agenda, the council passed minutes for the Sept. 14 meeting as well as financials and claims, including Treasurer reports for September, general journal vouchers, payroll journal vouchers, utility billing journal vouchers and Sept. bills.
During discussion of old business, the council reported that builders are considering filling the future fish pond before the weather turns cold.
“They hit a depth of 20 feet,” said Mayor Larry Crowder. He said contractors have said they would like to fill the pond before temperatures drop. Councilpersons raised issues of liability, signage and even physical barriers.
Jeremy Fadness with WWC Engineering told the council that work on the water tank is underway. He said workers are planning to start on the tank liner this week.
The council told the Northern Plains Independent that a ruling regarding disputed access to Legion Park is pending from 15th Judicial District Judge David Cybulski.
The next meeting of the Capitol Improvements Plan and Growth Policy planning board is set for Nov. 18.
A vehicle request from the Roosevelt County Sheriff’s Office was tabled until more information could be gathered about price quotes and purchase options.
Utility Billing Clerk Amber Fox addressed the council about updates needed to the town’s water meter reading system. The council agreed to revisit the upgrades during the next budget cycle.
Ordinance 242 was given a second reading. It would amend the town code to decrease the limit on street parking from 30 days to 15 days and restrict parking of unhitched trailers. Ordinance 243 received a first reading. The ordinance involves a land use map amendment requested by a member of the Finnicum family.