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Second Annual Glow Run A Success Despite Cold

Second Annual Glow Run A Success Despite Cold Second Annual Glow Run A Success Despite Cold

Despite the snow, cold weather and COVID-19, Culbertson Jobs for Montana Graduates was able to hold its second annual Glow Run for Suicide Prevention Oct. 26 at the football field.

“Too many people in our state have been affected by suicide,” said teacher Mary Machart. “Students felt like the run needed to go on.”

According to Machart, local Boy Scouts met with members of the Montana National Guard prior to the run to practice presenting the flag together. JMG president Aiden Perkins welcomed participants and community member Maddie Avance sang the National Anthem. The program was cut short due to the cold temperatures and participants dispersed to walk laps in area neighborhoods. Some participants visited the Roosevelt Medical Center to wave to residents, who were finally able to eat together in the dining room after a long stretch of quarantine measures.

JMG members were joined by A.J. Allen with the Roosevelt County Tobacco Prevention and DUI Task Force. Culbertson Red Ribbon provided backpacks, masks and

other items.

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