Pre-Halloween Bat Event Coming Up
Join Fish Wildlife and Parks Nongame Wildlife Management bureau chief Lauri Hanauska-Brown for a Facebook Live program that is all about bats Thursday, Oct. 29, at 3:30 p.m.
According to a press release, attendees will learn about the 15 species of bats that live in Montana and reasons “why we should all be grateful to have them around.”
A social media post from FWP dated Oct. 26 states: “A single bat can eat up to its body weight in insects each night. Eating all these insects helps protect our food crops and forests from insect pests, saving farmers and forest managers billions of dollars each year.”
Participants are encouraged to ask questions during the live program. The program is part of Montana WILD’s Bat Week. Bat Week runs from Oct. 24-31. For more information, visit the FWP Facebook page.