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City Council Discusses CARES Act Funds, New Marijuana Dispensary

City Council Discusses CARES Act  Funds, New Marijuana Dispensary City Council Discusses CARES Act  Funds, New Marijuana Dispensary

The Wolf Point City Council held their regular meeting in council chambers Monday, Nov. 16. Remote attendance was made possible via conference call.

Following a moment of silence for community members suffering from the pandemic, Mayor Chris Dschaak led the council in the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes were passed for the Sept. 21 and Oct. 19 regular meetings. No public comment was offered.

The airport has received $30,000 in CARES Act funds. The council approved a letter to the Federal Aviation Administration, looping in that organization on the city’s agreement with Interstate Engineering to handle snow removal at the airport.

The baseball field sprinkler project is on hold until spring. Building permits are being issued to Missouri Breaks Brewing and McDonald’s. The latter business has paused remodeling efforts, but has agreed to initial permitting costs.

Police Chief Jeff Harada’s monthly activity report was submitted. Lieutenant Alisha Morales attended the meeting. The police and animal committee reported that $207,903 CARES Act funds earmarked for law enforcement have been received.

A permit has been requested for a new marijuana dispensary in Wolf Point. William Conner plans to open a dispensary next to the Wolf Point Cafe downtown. Councilman John Plestina asked if there was any way to block the permit. The council will be looking at compliance with city ordinances.

The streets and alleys committee reported that the next Bridge and Road Safety and Accountability Act report is due out in December. Great West Engineering reported that the BNSF watermain project received notice to proceed Nov. 10, with 30 days scheduled to complete the project.

City attorney Anna Rose Sullivan told the council that she is preparing a memo to address the status of Custer Street degradation and other issues.

“I’m trying hard to find a legal solution,” said Sullivan. She said the memo will be ready for the next council meeting.

During the personnel, policy and wage committee, it was reported that workers’ compensation and safety training was held Nov. 4. Liability training is scheduled for Dec. 2.

City clerk/treasurer Marlene Mahlum submitted monthly financial reports. The council approved revenue and expenditure reports and securities, withdrawals and substitutions for October.

Public works director Ward Smith submitted his monthly activity report. Dschaak reminded area residents to be mindful of the pandemic during the Thanksgiving holiday.

The next council meeting is scheduled for Dec. 21.

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