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Wolf Point Police And Fire Blotter

( Publisher’s Note: The following blotter includes the activities of the Wolf Point police and fire department Nov. 16-22. All those cited or arrested are presumed innocent.) Citations were issued to:

November 16

Carly Tattoo, 26, female, U.S. Highway 2 and First Avenue North, careless driving and speeding - 25 MPH urban, tribal court.

Talayne DeMarrias, 28, female, 400 block of U.S. Highway 2, disorderly conduct and assault, tribal court.

Chance Robinson, 36, male, 400 block of U.S. Highway 2, warrant, tribal court.

November 19

Seventeen-year-old male, 500 block of Granville Street, minor in possession and disorderly conduct, tribal court.

November 20

Clay Stafne, 22, male, 400 block of U.S. Highway 2, public intoxication and disorderly conduct, tribal court.

John Bauer, 29, male, 300 block of Sixth Avenue South, warrant, tribal court.

Angela Archdale, 46, female, Sixth Avenue North and Indian Street, driving without a license, no insurance and mandatory vehicle license/ registration.

November 21

Samantha Boyd, 31, female, Fourth Avenue North and U.S. Highway 2, driving without a license and no insurance, tribal court.

Fourteen-year-old male, 400 block of Blaine Street, theft and minor in possession, tribal court.

Patrick Gustafson, 36, male, 200 block of Main Street, warrant, municipal court.

In addition to the citations above, the WPPD had the following activity: abandoned 911 call, one; animal/ stray, one; assault, one; assistance required/funeral, four; assistance required/ law enforcement, one; assistance required/public, four; body found/male adult, one; burglary/residential/forcible, one; disorderly conduct/fight, two; disorderly conduct, five; disorderly conduct/vagrant, one; disturbance/panhandling, two; disturbance/remove unwanted person, five; disturbance/vehicle, one; domestic abuse, one; domestic/ family disturbance, one; indecent exposure, one; medical assistance, four; patrol/city limits, eight; property/found, one; public intoxication, one; public intoxication/open container, one; public safety - liquid/gases, one; suicide attempt/adult male, one; suspicious activity, three; suspicious person, two; suspicious vehicle, two; theft, six; theft/ pursesnatch, two; theft/shoplifting, one; threats, one; traffic crime/hit and run, one; traffic incident, nine; traffic injury/ ran off road, one; traffic/other, one; traffic roads/parking, five; traffic roads/traffic control, one; trespassing, three; unsecured premises/citizen reported, one; unsecured premises/ law enforcement reported, two; vandalism, three; vandalism/ motor vehicle, one; warrants/ state, one; warrants/ tribal, one; welfare check, six; total, 103.

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