FPCC To Offer Free Tuition, Supplies For All Students For Spring Semester
All students who enroll for 2021 spring semester classes at Fort Peck Community College will receive the Tokatakiya Scholarship. This will cover all tuition and fees for the spring semester, regardless of the number of classes taken.
In addition, students who enroll for spring semester classes will receive a free computer to use during the remainder of their educational journey at Fort Peck Community College and beyond. Instructors and technology staff will support students through the technological issues that may arise.
Students will receive a backpack with supplies such as masks and folders. All students will receive food cards and vouchers redeemable at local grocery stores.
In most cases, classes will be held remotely when feasible. Instruction that are held in-person will feature social distancing and other safety protocols. Classes are designed to minimize risk while maintaining the value of learning experiences for students.
Registration is now open and will be conducted at the Fort Peck Community College’s student services building. Follow FPCC’s Faceback page for more information.
Upcoming dates for 2021 include new student orientation on Jan. 13, registration on Jan. 13-15, beginning of classes on Jan. 19, finals week on May 10-14 and graduation on May 14.