Wolf Point Police And Fire Blotter
( Publisher’s Note: The following blotter includes the activities of the Wolf Point police and fire department Nov. 23-29. All those cited or arrested are presumed innocent.) Citations were issued to:
November 23
Marquita BigLeggins, 32, female, Fourth Avenue North and Blaine Street, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, driving without a license, no insurance, no vehicle registration and warrant, tribal court.
Ashaya Bigleggins, 21, female, Fourth Avenue North and Blaine Street, unlawful transactions with children and warrant, tribal court.
Fourteen-year-old female, Fourth Avenue North and Blaine Street, curfew violation, tribal court.
David Herrera Jr., 21, male, 400 block of Blaine Street, criminal mischief, municipal court.
Breon Dupree, 37, male, 400 block of Blaine Street, criminal trespass to property, tribal court.
Katelyn Clark, 21, female, 400 block of U.S. Highway 2, assault and criminal mischief, tribal court.
November 24
Taylor Nygard, 26, male, 300 block of Knapp Street, criminal endangerment, tribal court.
November 25
Timothy Pederson, 54, male, 300 block of Second Avenue South, criminal mischief and criminal trespass to property, municipal court.
Dessie Bruce, 38, female, U.S. Highway 2 and Fourth Avenue North, operating without liability insurance and driving without a license, tribal court.
November 27
Jonathan Walking Eagle, 18, male, 100 block of U.S. Highway 2 East, theft, tribal court.
November 28
Lucas Fourstar, 22, male, 500 block of Benton Street, partner/family member assault, tribal court. Breon Dupree, 37, male, 100 block of Third Avenue South, public intoxication and disorderly conduct, tribal court.
November 29
Breon Dupree, 37, male, 400 block of Blaine Street, criminal trespass to property, tribal court.
In addition to the citations above, the WPPD had the following activity: abandoned auto, one; accident/hit and run, one; accident/traffic, one; alarm/burglary, two; alarm/ residence, two; animal/barking dog, one; animal/dog bite, one; assault with weapon, one; assistance required/funeral, four; assistance required/law enforcement, two; assistance required/public, three; assistance required/welfare check, one; burglary/residential/ forcible, two; civil complaint/ landlord/tenant, one; civil complaint/other, one; criminal mischief, one; custodial interference, one; disorderly conduct/fight, two; disorderly conduct, one; disorderly conduct/ profane language, one; disorderly conduct/vagrant, two; disturbance/arguments, three; disturbance/music, one; disturbance, four; disturbance/ panhandling, two; disturbance/ remove unwanted person, 10; domestic abuse, one; drugs/found paraphernalia, one; drugs/overdose, one; driving under the influence/ alcohol, one; follow up, one; harassment, one; loitering/ panhandling, two; medical assistance, five; motor vehicle theft, one; other, one; patrol/ all other, one; patrol/city limits, nine; property/found, one; public intoxication/open container, one; public safety - liquid/gases, one; simple assault, one; suicide ideation/ juvenile female, one; suicide threat/adult male, one; suspicious person, one; suspicious vehicle, three; theft, four; theft from motor vehicle, one; theft of motor vehicle, one; theft/shoplifting, one; traffic crime/careless driving, one; traffic crime/hit and run, one; traffic crime, two; traffic crime/reckless driver, two; traffic incident, three; traffic property/fixed object, one; traffic property/hit and run, one; traffic property/other motor vehicle, one; traffic roads/parking, one; trespassing, three; unauthorized use of motor vehicle, one; vandalism, one; vandalism/motor vehicle, two; vandalism/residence, one; weapon offense, three; welfare check, seven; total, 125.
Fire Blotter Nov. 26: One truck and command responded to a one-vehicle accident on Smith Road/West Fairweather Street at 6:50 p.m Nov. 29: A gas leak was reported on Seventh Avenue North at 2:14 p.m. One truck and command responded.
A gas leak was reported on the 100 block of East Granville Street. One truck and command responded at 7:18 p.m.