New Student Organzation At WPHS Focuses On School Morale, Spirit
A new organization at Wolf Point High School is aiming to increase school morale and spirit.
The Power Rangers was recently formed after consultant Will Henry said such a group has been beneficial at other school districts.
“It’s a group of students wanting to improve the school’s climate for the students,” Wolf Point High School principal Kim Hanks said. “We’re just getting it started.”
The Power Rangers’ first project featured providing breakfast foods to high school students and staff prior to the Thanksgiving break.
On Tuesday, Dec. 22, the group will assist with the school’s holiday fun activities that includes Christmas movies, dodgeball and volleyball.
Club members include Kaholo Toves, Adam Taylor, Doriane Keiser, Roberto Bear Hill, Piper Ruffing, Corey Martell, Presley Grandchamp, Chaske Bears Ghost, Kaylee Johnson, Charlie Page, Ethan Blount and Devon YellowRobe.
Some project ideas have included rewards for good grades, 100th day of school celebration, air hockey, foosball and making the lobby more comfortable.
School spirit will be a priority in January as winter sports activities will begin.
“They want to do a homecoming because we didn’t have one in the fall,” Hanks said.
The principal said it’s a good year to start such an organization.
“We think with COVID and everything, it will help to focus on more positive things,” Hanks said.