Lions Club, Wolf Point Chamber Announce Lighting Winners
The Wolf Point Lions Club and Wolf Point Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture conducted their annual Christmas lighting contest judging on Saturday, Dec. 19.
Prizes in Wolf Point Chamber Shopping Dollars were given to the top six entries. First place received $125 in shopping dollars. Second received $75 in shopping dollars and all other placers received $50 in shopping dollars.
Earning first place in the lighting contest was Allison Black Eagle at 624 Eureka Street. Placing second was Betty Moore at 931 Fourth Avenue North. Vanchon Birdsbill took third place. Her residence is located at 220 Idaho St. Taking fourth place in the lighting contest was Tom Romo at 445 Eureka St. Placing fifth in the lighting contest was John Broesder at 220 Fallon St. Taking sixth was Herman Shumway at 533 Garfield St.