City Of Wolf Point Awarded CDBG Grant For Wastewater System
The City of Wolf Point has been awarded a $450,000 Community Development Block Grant from the State of a Montana and the Department of Commerce. The award letter from the Office of the Governor states that the monies will be used for wastewater system upgrades to sewer lines and a lift station.
Said the letter: “Projects such as this help to promote and develop Montana’s communities and leverage those communities’ ability to provide facilities and services to respond to their greatest local challenges. [...] Congratulations and good luck on the successful completion of your project.”
City officials said the award was the result of dedicated efforts by staff and the city’s engineering firm: “The hard work and dedication of City Employees and Great West Engineering has made this possible,” said Mayor Chris Dschaak.
According to Dschaak, the award will set Wolf Point up to start Phase 1 of critical sewer infrastructure repairs.
“We are hopeful to start our construction phase in Fall 2021 or Spring 2022,” said Dschaak. “The City is also dedicated to trying to secure more funding and will be applying for more CDBG funding in the 2022 cycle. This is definitely a good end to a tough year.”